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Random stuff!

Finishing a Series Is Hard in More Ways Than One

A little over a week ago, I finally finished the first draft of the fifth and final book of The Warriors of Bhrea. The good news is that the final book, The Empire of Damnation, will be out in the next few months! The bad news is…I’m sad. 🙁

The Celebration

Do you know how long I’ve been working on this series? Do you?? I started really writing it in 2018, but the ideas–the world, many of the characters–had been in my head for much longer, since childhood. To see the series complete (though some edits are still needed) is just. Crazy. But, crazy in a good way.

Seeing my story grow and develop over these past several years is a privilege I hope all writers can enjoy. There is nothing like being able to write the pay offs you’ve been building up for years. It is an incredible feeling to see your characters ending up where you think is most fitting. It is like attending a loved one’s graduation–you’ve been watching someone grow up from something small to something big, even helping them on their journey. And now, you get to watch them go out on their own into the great wide world. It inspires a huge sense of accomplishment and gratitude, to be able to witness it and be the architect of the whole affair.

Lastly, it’s a huge relief. It is a relief to finally have a complete idea down, a story from start to finish. It’s a relief to be able to sit back and take a break, to know that a big job is done. Especially since my son was born almost a year and a half ago, I’ve felt a lot of pressure from myself to just get! It! Done! So the final part of the series would not just fall to the wayside in the flurry of learning to be a mom. While I have many more writing projects planned, getting this one under my belt is a huge milestone, and I want to take some time to kick back and relax for a bit.

So, for those reasons, it is a cause for celebration! I’ve finished a series–and a five-part series at that! It’s not easy to write a pentology, but somehow I did it.

The Grief

But with that celebration, sense of accomplishment, relief, and happiness, there is also some grief.

The flipside of watching your loved one at their graduation, while a joyous event, can also be a sad one. It’s a time of letting go, which can be hard to do. You see, when you cultivate a set of characters in your head, you eventually develop an attachment to them, and when their journey is complete, that means it’s time to say goodbye. The characters have “grown up,” and it’s their time to go out into the world and entertain people with no further input from their creator.

The silver lining of this is that it’s not truly the end for these characters, for I have side stories, prequels, and even a sequel series in mind. But, the imaginative journey I began as a kid has completed it’s first (and largest) leg. It’s like hiking a long trail to the top of the mountain, turning around, and realizing you’ve made it halfway up . There’s relief, but there’s also a bit of sadness that the journey is already partly over. After a while, it will be all over.

The Takeaway

I won’t subject you to what is essentially a diary entry for this whole post. I have some takeaways, some things I’ve learned on this incredible ride!

First, take your time. I can’t repeat it enough. Don’t rush through something just to get it done. You will enjoy yourself, and your project, a lot more if you allow yourself to enjoy the process rather than obsess over the product.

Second, don’t procrastinate and overanalyze. Does this contradict what I just said above? No. Too many times I’ve seen writers get hung up on revising to the point of perfection, at the cost of never putting their work out there. I’m happy to break it to you–your story will never be perfect. It is impossible to reach perfection, so let that be permission to let others enjoy your story even if it doesn’t reach your perfectionistic standards.

Lastly, when you do finish your project (and you will, because you’re awesome), allow yourself to feel all the feelings–the good and the bad. It’s your story, you’re the boss, it’s your party, and you can cry if you want to!

Things That Make Me Go Hmmmm 🤔

I consider myself a pretty open person. I like to entertain interesting ideas for the sake of entertaining them, though I also consider myself a skeptic of anything truly crazy. If something can be explained by simple, likely mechanisms, then that is probably the explanation.

However, some things really just make me go “hmmm.”

Take for example the Baalbek Trilithon.

Baalbek Trilithon - A Wall With Two Pasts | Miesta, Prírodné

An ancient Roman site dating back over 2,000 years, the Temple of Jupiter Baal has quite an interesting feature. The stones that form the base are known as the “trilithon,” a set of three enormous blocks of hewn stone that each weigh over 750 tons. That’s 1,500,000 pounds (or 680,388.56 kg for you anti-Imperial bastards). Each!

A similarly sized stone was even stranded, called The Stone of the Pregnant woman. That one weighs about 1,200 tons.

Baalbek Trilithon | Ancient origins, Ancient ruins, Megalithic ...

Scholars endlessly debate how Roman architects could have moved such large stones. Some say the foundation stones predate the Romans, or even those before, such as Alexander the Great.

If it wasn’t the Romans or Greeks, then who?

Obviously, it was aliens.

Anyway, this made me hmmm quite a bit. These huge stones fascinate me, as do other monolithic structures dotted throughout the world. How did ancient cultures move such massive stones? This YouTube channel digs deep into many different ancient sites (heh, get it?) and strives to find the answer based on the most evidence. His video on Baalbek is quite informative and sound with its arguments. Check it out!

What else makes me go hmmm?

The Boötes Void.

It simultaneously makes me go hmmm and eeek. A great bubble of emptiness found in the constellation of Boötes, it looks like…


Boötes void - Wikipedia

“Yawn,” you say. “A bunch of dots?”

I admit, this rendering does not really do the void justice.

Perhaps this one paints a better picture?

List of voids - Wikipedia

It is almost 330 million light-years across–a vast bubble of emptiness in which very, very few galaxies reside compared to our area of the universe. About 60 have been found within it.

To put it in perspective, if the Milky Way were in this void, we would have no idea that there were other galaxies until we developed powerful enough telescopes to detect anything outside of the Void.


Makes you rethink being scared of the dark, huh?

Of course, the Boötes Void has sparked many theories as to why it exists, ranging from smaller voids merging to…

You guessed it, aliens.

I mean, what if? Makes you go “hmmmm,” doesn’t it? Good thing it is 700 million light years away, right? You probably won’t live long enough for the galaxy-consuming alien race to come for us.


This video does a great job explaining what Boötes Void is and why it’s so strange.

Those are just two things that have held my attention over the years. Many other things hold my attention occasionally…

Such as writing a sequel!

If you have not seen yet, I am calling Book 2 The Master of Night.

Stay tuned for more updates, such as a cover reveal!

If you want a sneak peek at the first couple chapters, be sure to sign up for my newsletter!

Until next time, I hope you are all well.


Introducing Myself

Hello world. It’s me, Tabby.

I suppose I need to have a post for when people come and visit here or something. So, I thought I would tell you a little bit about myself! Buckle up kids, it’s a…well, it’s not a wild ride per se. But, I hope you find some entertainment all the same.

Well, the first thing you need to know is that I’m a huge nerd. I play Dungeons and Dragons, watch superhero movies, and read sci fi and fantasy, yeah yeah yeah… That’s all, like, normie-level now. But I don’t think you understand. I am a NERD. Let me tell you why.

At my wedding, I unironically wore Leia buns and had my wedding party use Star Wars props. I made my wonderful, patient husband wear a Han Solo belt, and with nerf guns we “shot” our way into the reception.

But perhaps that is not nerdy enough. I get it; people have Star Wars weddings all the time.

In college, I played on my school’s Quidditch team. It was all the rage in those days–for those who were both really nerdy and rather negligent about their own safety. I helped found my school’s team and played as a Beater. I wasn’t GOOD by any means, but hey, it was fun for a while.

Maybe you’re still not convinced. You have a cousin who played Quidditch and loves Star Wars. That’s fine. But have they done this?

Here is me at my local Comic-Con. I dressed up AS my Dungeons and Character, Lorien the druid elf. I made the costume myself. It took weeks to make, and I’m proud to say I’m quite happy with how it turned out.

Oh, that’s still not good enough, you say? Okay, how about this:

Yes, that is me. Rapping about planets. I had to do a project for an astronomy class in college, and I could have done things like “create a visual diagram” or “write a poem,” but no. I chose to rap about extrasolar planets to Vanilla Ice’s Ice Ice Baby.

As I’m writing this, I’ve realized I’ve taken up quite a bit of your time just to show you how ridiculously nerdy I am. So, to wrap it up, I’ll show you a nice and normal picture.

Here I am with my wonderful husband in one of my favorite places in the world–the Rocky Mountains. I love nature, I love mountains, and I love seeing both with my best friend.

I hope these little tidbits of my life were a source of laughter, of cringe, or even a “heh, I’ve done that too.”

Until next time, I hope all is well for you!
